Thursday 12 May 2016

3 reasons why Astino is worth your attention

Here in a simple 3 reason outline, I will show you why Astino is worth your attention, if not, your investment target.

Astino had saw some good activity despite a lower amount of volume. However, there are some good accumulation of share in the past 6 mths.

The first reason that you should look at is because the company had just started to buy back it's share from the open market.
As you can see, the buying had just started in April 2016, hence the total number of shares retained in treasury is still not so significant. However, the company is buying back from open market in a consistent manner, hence this will slowly make up as a good support at the price range of RM 0.65.

The second reason to note is that the majority shareholder is also buying back from the open market.
The Ng family (Ng Back Teng and Ng Bak Seng) are holding more than 40% in total, and they are still buying back share from the open market.

The third reason is because Astino is also involved in steel manufacturing and trading, which is a booming trend in the market now. Astino is overlook, but it will soon be discovered. Smaller steel player such as Mycron, Melewar, Lsteel already did miraculous run up. After all, Astino financial performance for the past 2 quarter had been great, can possibly annualized it's full year EPS at 9 cents.

Astino is still deemed cheap and have appreciation room to go further.

Based on these 3 good solid reason, I would see Astino is a good choice.

A successful investment is to invest when it is sleeping, unleash when it become a dragon. If you foresee Astino becoming a dragon soon, invest now.

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